About Us

Your Journey to Success Starts Here: IT Training and Consulting by Transfotech Global Bangladesh

 Welcome to Transfotech Global Bangladesh – your gateway to a successful and rewarding journey in the world of IT and Project Management. At Transfotech Global, we understand that the key to achieving excellence in today’s competitive landscape lies in staying at the forefront of technological advancements and project management practices. Our commitment is to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving digital era.

Our Journey

Transfotech has served the community with IT training, project management and consultancy for over a decade. After starting our journey in 2012 in the USA, we have nurtured many talents and got them ready for the job sector. From a beginner to an advanced learner, many complete this journey with our assistance and direction. After our successful attempts in the USA, Canada and the UK, we are now in Bangladesh. We know and understand the value of a good learning institute. Transfotech Global Bangladesh is here to be at the top of this industry by helping students and preparing them for their bright future.

Our Journey

Excellence in Education: We are committed to delivering high-quality, industry-relevant training programs. Our expert trainers and consultants employ innovative teaching methodologies, real-world scenarios, and hands-on experiences to foster a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Nurturing Talent: We believe in unlocking the full potential of our learners. Our mission is to identify and nurture talent, providing a conducive environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving capabilities.

Driving Organizational Success: We understand that successful organizations thrive on skilled professionals and effective project management. Our mission is to support businesses by providing tailored training and consulting services that address their specific needs.

Embracing Innovation: In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, embracing innovation is crucial. Our mission is to stay at the cutting edge of industry trends, technologies, and best practices. By continually updating our training programs and consulting services, we ensure that our participants are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the digital era head-on.

Our Vision

We envision a future where every individual, regardless of their background, can access innovative IT training and project management expertise that fosters personal growth, career advancement, and organizational success.


We strive to create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that nurtures creativity, innovation, and critical thinking. Our vision is to –

  • Be at the forefront of technological advancements, 
  • Anticipating industry trends and 

Incorporating the latest tools and methodologies into our training programs.

Unlocking Potential, Unleashing Success

As we pursue our mission and vision, we uphold values of integrity, inclusivity, and transparency. We aim to foster a diverse and respectful learning environment where each individual is valued and supported in their unique journey.

At Transfotech Global Bangladesh, our goal is not only to teach and train people but also to make a positive impact on society. We want to produce skilled and responsible IT professionals and project managers who significantly contribute to the growth of Bangladesh and the tech community worldwide.